In the hands of God . . you can find rest and peace, joy and strength..victory and resurrected.


Youthful strength renewed . . .

He redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

Psalm 103: 4-5

In my own personal observation, women really love to look them younger and try to pretend that they are still young, even though they are not. While men always showed up a “machete” outlook regardless of age.  My older sister, she is at the senior age but she pinned down her age at 40’s, hahahahaha hope my sister will forgive me to this truth revelation.

Outside appearance and strength are seems to be both essential in our present society.  We have so many products in the market today for anti aging, for flawless skin, and other beauty and rejuvenating products available for one reason is to look younger and revitalize.  I am not saying, those products are bad or no good at all, in fact, I used also some beauty products to maintain my mestizo looks, ehemm but I want you  to know, that all of those products are all superficial and it has expiration date. If you cannot maintain using those products, you see yourself in the mirror older than your actual age.

The natural way of regaining our youthful appearance and strength is to draw ourselves closer to God.  The bible says that after God redeem us, He crowns us with love and compassion. To crown means to complete, perfect and to be on top, like a king.  God is telling us that it is His love and compassion to complete and make us perfect to be on top of our entire life.   Can you imagine the greatness of the love of God to complete us, or literally putting us on top with His love?  I can say OMG!!! When you are the crown of the love and compassion from God, He will satisfy you the desires of your heart.  It is easy for you to love and have compassion to others. It is easy for you to help others and forgive those who hurt you.  It is easy for you to do good things and do well to others for the kingdom of God’s sake.  Your life will be at peace even in the middle of your trials and problems because you know that you are covered and crowned of God’s love.  That makes you beautiful like your youthful days and your strength renewed like an eagle.  The eagle’s normal attitude is to fly high against the wind.  That is how strong the eagle is? That is you and I. . . .

God is inviting us to regain our strength from Him, to have unexpired beauty from His goodness and love.  What a beautiful world to live, if we are going to fill the world with love and compassion from God.   Let His word and promises spoken to us will give us more understanding that the source of renewed strength and appearance is coming from God.

God is just around the corner . . . .


The Lord is with you when you are with him.  If you seek him, he will be found by you.   1 Chronicles 15:2

Did you know that the very first second of birth conception and on the first heartbeat that felt by the mother in her womb, God is already manifesting His presence on it.  God is there assembling all our body systems and components to form a wonderful creation of a human being and it is carefully done by God for 9 months in our mother’s womb.  God continued his presence from the first second we come out and in our first cry and until now that we are still alive, God is present in our life. Do you believe that?  In addition, even during the times we committed sin, God is still present, maybe He just cover his eyes. Sounds funny and awkward right? . . .  The beauty of our catholic faith is that our catechism teaches us that God is omnipresence, meaning He is present anywhere and everywhere at all times.  It did not mention that he is present only when we do well. We call him Emmanuel, literally the meaning is God with us.

There is a point in our life that we feel there is longing in our heart and we start looking and searching to fill in that longing and seek the truth about God. My older brother told me that for the first time he prayed the rosary, and he said it is effective.  My other older brother sing with the choir in two different churches in every single Sunday, and he said he got peace in his heart.  God is just around the corner.

I failed God so many times that I cannot count in my own fingers including my toes. However, God did not give up for me. He is not tired of reaching me out and reminding me how much He loves me. With all my failures and disappointments, God used it to tell me saying,” It is OK, no worries keep going.” God cannot afford to leave us and run away from us.  We do the run away from God. One of much known story in the New Testament is about the Prodigal son, who takes all his inheritance while his parents are still alive and squandered all his money.  The story focuses only about the prodigal son, but we forgot that the father allows it to happen which should not be done.  It was the son who went away but the father is waiting for him from day 1 and keep on looking from afar and  expecting that one day his son will go back home.  In addition, it happens as the story goes.

God is not far away, neither God is just seating down in Heaven doing nothing.  I teach before a bible study for children in one Sunday school and I was a values education teacher in a Montessori school, when I asked the children and pupils where is God, most or all of them pointing in the sky. I told them now God is in our heart.  Hence, God is present from the time of our first heartbeat and until now, He is working with us, He will not give up and He is not yet finish to us, then we take this opportunity to call upon him and humbly sorry for all the sins we committed.

The Lord is with you when you are with him.  If you seek him, he will be found by you. God is just around the corner waiting for you,

What and why me? . . . .

Moses said to God, “Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”

Exodus 3:11

Just to give you a brief background of the story of Moses on this verse and I want you to imagine the scenario.  During the time of Moses, Egypt was so powerful under the ruler of Pharaoh and the Israelites were  slaves and oppressed with so much suffering and most of them died because of Pharaoh’s cruelty.  Moreover, God sees their situation and hear the cry of His people. Because of the situation, God found Moses. And I describe Moses as a man who is true and honest to himself. He grown up and lived in Pharaoh magnificent palace in Egypt and see by himself how powerful Pharaoh is.  Then God spoke to him and said, “Go to Pharaoh and bring out the Israelites out of Egypt?” I can imagine and picture Moses face and shout at top of his voice, WHAT???? WHY ME????  Can you do it what I picture about Moses? Hahahaha

Moses looked to himself and compares the greatness and powerfulness of Pharaoh, so with all his honestly he responded God out of his own strength and capacity. We are like Moses, God wants us to experience His greatness and power in our life and do great things for His kingdom.  However, we looked to ourselves and responded same as Moses.  God wanted you to be His instrument to bring out his people in poverty, oppressed, slaves and suffered and until now, they continue to suffer because nobody responded to God’s call.  Please do not point your fingers to me, instead listen to me each one of us has a special role to play to God’s calling. We are Moses in our own situation. We are Moses in our families at home, in our office if you are employee/workers or to your own company, in the community where you stayed and wherever you are.

When Moses saw the greatness of God who called him, which is more than Pharaoh, then Moses said Yes to God.   We have to be like Moses this time.  We need to see God’s greatness and super power that He can make all things possible for us who believe on Him.  If we are at the midst of trials and problems, see God’s power to give you the grace to be on top of those trials and problems. We can ask from God the best possible solution for that specific problem.  God wants to deliver us from all bondages of slavery.  He wants us to be free and enjoy the greatness of God. God loves freedom. God wants us to laugh and live a life in fullness. Oh yes..That is true…

Set aside what and why’s in your life, instead look up the greatness and power of God in our life. Just say Yes to God, and right now He will give you the grace to be His champion like Moses.

I love to pray this Novena of God’s Love at the Feast and everyday when I wake up and I want to share it with you. Please pray this Novena and you will be blessed.

Today, I receive all of God’s love for me.

Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s universe.

Today, I open myself to God’s blessings, healing and miracles.

Today, I open myself to God’s Word so I would become like Jesus everyday.

Today, I proclaim that I am God’s beloved, I am God’s Servant, I am God’s powerful champion.

And because I am blessed, I am blessing the world in Jesus’ name.


The Marked Trail . . . .

” You have made known to me the path of life, you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”  Psalm 16:11

There was a group of tourist who went to Alaska for having an exciting haunting experience in bears areas to see real huge bears ..( what an experience could be..), they walked through a spruce forest for 20 minutes and went to across direction to a broad, open meadows about four hundred yards. Then suddenly the guide with his soft voice said,”They (bears) are sleeping now, but they will be back tonight. I want to show you something.” and he said continually, ” Come follow me.” They followed the guide to a trail of massive footprints, with a stride of about two feet between them, pressed down into the bog and making a path through it. The guide said, “This is a marked trail!!” And the guide explained further, “this is probably centuries old marked trail and the bears have been taken this path always.  The cubs follow their elders, putting their feet exactly where the older bears walk.  That is how they learn to cross the place.”

The story will lead us to contemplate that over 2,000 years ago, God prepared a “marked trail” for us to follow that leads to the path of life and God made known to us this marked trail through His living words.  God does not want us to wander and get lost to the path intended for us to enjoy life to its fullness. Ultimately, God’s plan for our life is to follow the marked trail set before us through Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life.  He who believes on Him will not perish but have eternal life.  Let us follow Jesus…

Psalm 23: 2-3 -“He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me besides quite waters, He guides me on the paths of righteousness to his name sake.”