We love because he first loved us… 1 John 4:19

Give your heart to God. . .

“For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose heart are fully committed to him.”  2Chronicles 16:9

I like how the young people do to swear in a promise by saying “cross my heart” and make a sign of a little cross in the heart portion. Have you done it before? Yes, I did it when I was a teenager.  I have no idea who initiated or invented this gesture.  But for one reason, it is because the heart symbolizes the center and the source of life of every human being.  Therefore, when you swear a promise with your heart at least you are saying 90% true.

A heart symbolizes also our emotional part.  If you love a person, you can make a bloody red heart pumping as a sign to express your love. If you are a broken-hearted, you draw a carve heart done in a zigzag scissor cut in the center and if you hate somebody you make a black or grey color heart shape.

The Bible says that the greatest commandment is, “Love the Lord your God, with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” It is a simple commandment that can be easily understood the meaning, no nosebleed required to grasp the context or the meaning on it.  However, even it is so simple, sad to say, most of us were not able to follow and obey this simple commandment of God. God is looking for a heart that is fully committed to Him. The meaning of commitment is something that engages one to do something.  God will not force us to do something that you do not like to do. That is the reason why, it says his eyes is hovering all over the earth to look for a heart that needs to be strengthened.  Other term of commitment is to entrust or totally surrender.  We do not have to struggle; we just have to entrust into His loving hands, surrender our heart to Him, and let Him do the rest.  God wants to be the source in all aspects of our life.  Especially, in our emotional and spiritual being, He wants to be totally in charge in our entire being and lives in our heart. Brennan Manning said, “Jesus reveals a God who does not demand but who gives, who does not oppress, but who raises up, who does not wound but heals, who does not condemn but forgive.”

You might be in pain or troubled, crushed or slashed into pieces, desperate and hopeless, God is looking at you right now and He is asking you to give your heart to Him, so that you will be strengthened and give you a new hope. Trust the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5)  God is so faithful and always true to His promise. His love is new every morning and His faithfulness is everlasting. Give your heart to God. NOW. . . .


Listen, God is talking to you!!!

Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.  1 Samuel 3:9

When we grew old, mostly we have some difficulties in hearing.  I hope you agree with me. My kids laughed at me when they have to repeat what they said.  Jokingly, they said, “Daddy please clean your ears.” My older brother is now using hearing aid and sometimes he forgot to wear the hearing aid in one occasion to attend a meeting,  it’s funny,  he has to go back home to death to get the hearing aid.

How important it is to listen if somebody is talking?  God is talking to us in all occasions, but not in audible voice, how I wished?  God speaks in our thoughts, when we used our thoughts to think what we are going to do for the day.  God talks while doing our daily chores in our home. I washed plates because I do not have housemaid and my kids seldom to wash the dirty plates.  It reminds me all the time that if there is a dirty plate we have still some foods at the table to eat.  God speak to us to all different people with different personalities whether we like them or not we meet everyday.  It reminds us that we are not alone in this planet earth. God speaks when we face trials and difficulties, because most of our trials and difficulties bring us closer to God and it reminds us that we are still alive. God speaks in the Bible, when we search Him and look for the truth in life.  God speaks every second and every minute of our life.  Yes, you hear it right.  Nevertheless, the thing is, did we listen to God?

I believe that one of the reason that we have kiosk in our society, at home or anywhere, because we failed to listen to God.  On the other hand, probably we listen to Him but we just ignore it.  Maybe we do not know that God is really talking to us and you just learn it today when you read the reflection of mine. I do not know your answer or reason, but one thing for sure God did continually and tirelessly talking to us in any manner He can to communicate with us.

Samuel asked Eli three times who called him. And Eli said to young Samuel that when you hear the voice again say it with humility, “Speak, Lord for your servant is listening.”  I understand that we cannot easily recognize God’s voice, just like Samuel.  But I suggest, that when we woke up and rise in bed, just tell to God, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.”

I want you today to enjoy talking to God and continue praising Him for all the blessings and goodness He has done in your life. Make a good laugh with God and follow His voice.  God is talking to you….

Life is More Valuable. .

Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear.  Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?  Who of you worrying can add a single hour to his life?

Matthew 6: 25 -27

We have a pet local stray cat that we adopt and became part of my family. We called her Sussy, we all love her and feed her and even brought her wherever we go even up to Subic for a family vacation. She has nothing to worry about because she knows that people around her cared and loved her.

Not like Suzzy, people have so many worries in life and God knows all our worries and anxieties. The Lord Jesus Christ is presenting to us the type of father he has for all of us. He knows his father so much and now he wants us to know what kind of father we have.  He literally saying to us that, hey why worry?  We have a trustworthy father that can be fully trusted and rely on. We have a father who is a provider that provides all our needs.  We have a loving and faithful father, who has a big heart to love us in spite of our stubbornness and wickedness.   We have a father whose ears are open to hear our complaints and grievances.  We have a great father and we called him “Abba Father” or Daddy.  Hence, he is our Abba Father, he knows us so much and he knows what we need. Moreover, more than that, He redeems us by giving up his son Jesus Christ to die for us, so that we will be closer to Him.  What an awesome father we have? Right…do you agree with me?

We are priceless and more valuable to any other creation in the eyes of the Father in Heaven.  He loves us so much and He wants to manifest His love to us in our everyday life.

Do not waste your life with nothing; you are so special to God.

The Father’s love . . . .

1 John 4:19

”We love Him because He first loved us.”

There are many kinds of love in this world, but none of them is as great and enduring as the Love that God has shown towards us. He loves us so much that despite our rebelliousness and sins, He still gave up His most precious treasure – His Son, in order to redeem us back to Him.

It is hard to imagine what it must have been like to give up something so dear. Yet, God did so willingly in order for us to once again enter His loving presence. It is through this finished work of Jesus – the laying down of His life for us, that we can now call God our Father.

This is the kind of love that is of the highest form, the kind of love that never stops, and selflessly puts others first. It doesn’t force itself on others by saying, “Look at me!” But instead, quietly goes about offering itself to all who would draw from it. It never keeps score of how much it has given, or how much is owed towards it. It always trusts, never looks back, but steps up and presses on to the end.

This is the Love of God, for God IS Love, and when we choose to dwell in Him, He shall be able to love others through us.

I believe words are feeble when used to describe the Love of God. But my hope is that through the quotations on love below, you can but have a glimpse of how deep and how wide God’s Love for you really is.

May you have a fresh revelation of God’s Love, and be able to feel the loving embrace of our Father as He watches over you. And may we too be able to extend the same kind of love to those around us.